UFO reports Jan-Mar, 1996

From National UFO Reporting Center - January-March, 1996 Reports

1/20/96 22:00 Madison, WI Anonymous caller reports seeing a cigar-shaped craft, with "8 dim blue and red lights" along its length. (No other details provided.)
2/18/96 2:05 Cedar Springs, MI Man & wife witness three strange lights near their rural home. They exhibited red, green, and white light; formed a triangle.
2/27/96 22:00 Cleveland ARTCC, OH FAA controller calls to recount event of commuter airliner near Saginaw, MI. Says pilot reported pulsing ball of light ahead of a/c.
2/27/96 22:01 Saginaw, MI Commuter airliner w/ passengers turns, descends 12,500' to avoid a bizarre, extremely bright obj. directly ahead. Obj. could "jump."
2/29/96 1:15 Cedar Springs, MI Couple experience 2nd sighting of three lights over their rural home. Objects flashed red, green, white; distinct movement.
3/1/96 Princeton, WI Man witnesses a large, orange-colored ball of light. Minutes later, he sees a bizarre cluster of sequentially blinking balls of light.

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